Soft Tissue Management

Protect The Health Of Your Teeth And Gums

Call our office today to schedule an appointment – (718) 232-8289

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal Disease, also known as gum disease, is a chronic condition that affects 70%-80% of adults today. While it usually isn’t painful, there are a number of negative effects of periodontal disease, like bone destruction and tooth loss, but studies show gum disease can also contribute to health issues such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Periodontal disease is caused by the buildup of plaque that, when not properly cleaned away, allows bacteria to irritate and inflame the gums. The resulting inflammation pulls gum tissue from your teeth. The pockets created can trap plaque and food debris, becoming a breeding ground for more bacteria. Proper early diagnosis and treatment in conjunction with correct home care can control and manage the periodontal disease process. Our practice will refer to the timely diagnosis and treatment of the signs and symptoms of periodontal disease as Soft Tissue Management®.

Soft Tissue Management

Soft Tissue Management (STM) is a Non-Surgical program individually designed for the detection and treatment of periodontal (gum) disease. The goal of STM is to eliminate the active infection of the gums and root surfaces of teeth caused by bacterial plaque. Overall, the STM Program consists of 2-4 visits. This includes scaling and root planning, and Laser Bacterial Reduction (LBR). Additionally, STM includes subgingival irrigation with anti-microbial and desensitizing medicaments, along with localized antibiotic treatment as necessary (Arestin).

The Soft Tissue Management Plan

STM is a non-surgical way of reducing and eventually eliminating the effects of Periodontal Disease. There are 4 steps to the STM program.

Dental Exam

Firstly, a thorough periodontal exam will help determine the health of your gums. This exam will also measure the depths of any pockets. Your dentist can evaluate the stage and severity of the disease.

Scaling and Root Planing

This step involves non-surgical deep cleaning methods. Your dentist will remove plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth and gums. This also involves smoothing the tooth roots in areas. This discourages future plaque buildup. It also helps the gums reattach to your teeth.

Irrigating Treated Areas

The next step involves irrigating your affected areas with an anti-microbial medicine. Generally, this helps eliminate bacteria and promote healing.

Home Oral Hygiene Treatments

The last step of Soft Tissue Management involves home care. It is important to stick to your dentist’s meticulous oral hygiene plan to help maintain your periodontal disease, This oral hygiene plan will help reduce plaque buildup and restore gum health.

Why Soft Tissue Management is Important

STM procedures offer a much deeper cleaning that helps remove harmful bacteria and plaque buildup that could be destroying your teeth. Without a proper deep cleaning, extreme plaque and tartar buildup can lead to tooth loss. If your Periodontal Disease is severe, STM is a good way to combat it.


  • Gingival (gum) tissue that does not bleed
  • Gingival tissue that is not red, swollen, or tender
  • Fresher breath and taste
  • Reduced pocket depths
  • Control of the periodontal disease
  • Established methods to effectively maintain good oral hygiene